03 / July / 2017 04:57

Iran cautions US on arbitrary actions in Syria

Iran cautions US on arbitrary actions in Syria

EghtesadOnline: Deputy Foreign Minister for legal and international affairs Abbas Araqchi said that Iran has cautioned US over arbitrary actions in Syria.

News ID: 742460

Speaking to reporters, he said that the US should avoid acting arbitrarily against the international rules and regulations in Syria.

Araqchi condemned arbitrary actions by the US, adding that Iran continues its consultations with the European countries on the issue, IRNA reported.

He hailed the efforts made by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and called for continuation of this international body approach towards complete annihilation of chemical weapons across the world.

Araqchi expressed concern over access of terrorist groups to chemical weapons, adding that OPCW is in charge of preventing terrorists’ access to such weapons.

Iran supports OPCW action for finding the realities behind use of chemical weapons by terrorist groups in Syria and Tehran has close consultations with Damascus in this regard, he noted.

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